
by Prof. Camillo Ricordi

Can lifestyle, nutrition, physical exercise and protective molecules help us prevent severe viral infections, autoimmune and age-related diseases triggered by hyper-inflammatory and hyper-immune responses, to prolong healthy lifespan?

The Protocol

Fit4Healthspan to be Fit4Pandemic

The following suggestions should be discussed with your doctor. Dosages are for adults only, and could vary depending on co-morbidities and other drugs or supplements taken. Levels of 25OH Vitamin D and inflammation test (AA/EPA ratio) should be tested periodically for possible adjustment of dosages to achieve target levels, that for 25OH Vitamin D should be 40-70 ng/ml, and for AA/EPA ratio should be 1.5-3.0

Finally !!! The paperback English edition of The Healthspan Code is available, just in time for a nice Holiday present, to help someone you love, or care about, to prevent and defeat the Pandemics of the 21st Century, and prolong Healthy Lifespan.

Why Camillo Ricordi, a pioneer in cure-focused research and director of a leading Diabetes Research Institute, is now working also to improve healthy lifespan (Healthspan) and prevent the accelerated aging associated with diabetes and other pandemics of our century? Because this is a challenge that affects us all, not just patients with diabetes. In the last three years, the longevity has decreased, and for the first time the lifespan of children born now could be inferior to that of their parents' generation.

The book also outlines some of the exciting research to reverse biological aging, minimizing the phase of decline now associated with the last decades of life, to the our journey in good physical and mental health.

A commitment to preventive Healthspan medicine is now mandatory and requires integrated efforts at multiple levels of our society, but there is no excuse … we need to start with our personal choices.

There is no #cure without #prevention of #disease recurrence … but to #eradicate diseases, #PrimaryPrevention will help as well.
#lifespan #healthspan


Although in recent decades there has been an increase of longevity, this is not necessarily associated with healthy aging. Unhealthy (sick) longevity could in fact be considered the most serious pandemic of the 21st century. However, a new hypothesis is emerging: if the advancement of the aging clock is characterized by the progression of symptoms of an unhealthy life, perhaps it is possible to prevent or reduce the duration of the decline phase generally associated to the last decades of life, and to prolong the period of healthy lifespan (healthspan).

In the past, we thought that modern medicine would continue to help us extend and improve the lifespan of humankind. This belief has recently begun to waver. An alarm bell has just sounded in the United States where, in the last three years, the expectation of life has decreased, and for the first time the lifespan of children born now could be inferior to that of their parents' generation.

In the United States, over 90% of the population over the age of 65 years old has at least one degenerative disease, and over 75% of subjects has two co-morbidities. The increase in chronic degenerative diseases linked to unhealthy aging, and it’s not just a problem of Americans, but affects every continent. The 21st century is facing at least two other pandemics besides Covid-19: unhealthy aging and autoimmune diseases affecting 20% of the population with 100 disease conditions.

What can we do to reverse this trend?

First, I will discuss the contributing risk factors predisposing us to age-related chronic degenerative conditions, and severe forms of viral and autoimmune diseases. I have spent my entire professional life on the front line in the battle against Type 1 diabetes, which is the tip of the iceberg of the autoimmune disease pandemic. Recent studies have allowed us to discover that some of the factors that contribute to the increased risk of these conditions are the same that contribute to severe progression of Covid-19 and age-related chronic degenerative diseases. Novel biological markers now allow us to identify these risk factors, develop personalized Healthspan interventions, and evaluate the effectiveness of such strategies to rejuvenate or at least slow down biological aging.

I will then outline strategies that could help us fight and defeat the greatest pandemics of our time, including healthy nutrition, fitness, polyphenols, activators of sirtuins (the longevity molecules), omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D3, to name a few. We have now several natural weapons that will help us prolong the healthy lifespan, but there is no single magic bullet or anti-aging supplement. It takes an integrated approach focused on preventive strategies.

Increasing healthy lifespan (Healthspan) represents a moral objective that any modern and responsible society should pursue, not only to avoid preventable human suffering, but also because every year added to the Healthspan could save $37 trillion to the global health care economy, and 10 years of improved Healthspan could save over $375 trillion.

I hope this book will be of assistance to understand how the evolution of our lifestyles, unhealthy diets and insufficient protective anti-aging molecules have progressively reduced our Healthspan potential.

I will anticipate some of the options still in a phase of preclinical research that could lead to a real reversal of the aging clock, and discuss the future of Healthspan Medicine, to avoid or at least minimize the phase of decline now associated with the last decades of life, and arrive to the end in good physical and mental health.

A commitment to preventive Healthspan medicine requires integrated efforts at multiple levels of our society, but it is imperative that we start with our personal choices. I'll explain you how:

A commitment to preventive Healthspan medicine requires integrated efforts at multiple levels of our society, but it is imperative that we start with our personal choices. I'll explain you how:

Senescent Cells Also Help To Heal Damaged Tissues

Not all senescent cells are harmful “zombies” that should be wiped out to prevent age-related disease, some of them are embedded in young, healthy tissues and promote normal repair from damage.

When drugs called senolytics are used to kill these cells, injuries to lung tissues healed more slowly.

“Senescent cells can occupy niches with privileged positions as ‘sentinels’ that monitor tissue for injury and respond by stimulating nearby stem cells to grow and initiate repair,” said Tien Peng, MD, senior author of the study.

As people age, senescent cells accumulate that have characteristics of old, worn-out cells, including the inability to make new cells.

Instead of dying like normal aged cells, they to live on, spewing a cocktail of inflammatory compounds that form the senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). These factors are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and other age-related maladies including cancer. The catchy name “zombie cells” was coined for them.

Using senolytics that target and kill “zombie cells,” researchers made the exciting discovery that clearing senescent cells from animals thwarted or diminished age-related disease and extended the lifespan of the animals. Thereafter, a boom of activity ensued in research labs and pharmaceutical companies focused on discovering and refining more powerful versions of these drugs.

But killing off senescent cells has dangers, Peng said. For one thing, this current study showed that senescent cells also possess the ability to promote normal healing through activation of stem cell repair. “Our study suggests that senolytics could adversely affect normal repair, but they also have the potential to target diseases where senescent cells drive pathologic stem cell behavior,” said Peng.

The Batman Project

“Bats have evolved to modulate their immune and inflammatory responses to avoid complications of viral infections.”

Can lifestyle, diet and protective factors help us prevent severe complications of viral infections, and autoimmune diseases triggered by hyper-inflammatory and hyper-immune responses?  I have been working at the forefront of the battle against Type 1 Diabetes, the tip of the iceberg of the Autoimmune Disease epidemics now affecting approximately 20% of the population with over 100 disease conditions.

I believe that pro-inflammatory diets and insufficient protective factors can predispose us to hyper-inflammatory and hyper-immune reactions that can result in an increased susceptibility to triggering events of autoimmunity. Similarly, these factors can increase the risk of life-threatening complications of viral infections, such as those associated with severe cases of COVID-19.

While we are working to treat autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes and severe cases of COVID-19 with anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating stem cell infusions we are launching an international collaboration (The Batman Project) to study how bioactive dietary components and protective factors could complement healthy diets to modulate inflammation, immunity, and other variables associated with disease progression.